Made For Android Expected in 2019

Quattro Will Be The First Ever Made For Android

The excitement around Made For Android hearing aids has heated up with the recent announcement that Resound and Google have agreed to a partnership to deliver the protocol to allow direct connection between hearing aids and Android phones. I was in Resound headquarters in Denmark last week and discussed the deal and the expected availability of the feature with a chap from the R&D department. The protocol should be ready for release in mid-2019, but there are other things you need to know, let’s talk Made For Android Hearing Aids.

Linx Resound Quattro rechargeable hearing aids

Quattro Made For iPhone, Made For Android Hearing Aid

As I said, the Linx Quattro will be the first-ever Made For Android hearing aid on the market. When the protocol is released on Android, the Linx Quattro will be enabled with a direct connection to Android phones. That means direct streaming, without any intermediary accessory, a first for Android phones.

Definitely On Pixel Phones First

The protocol will only be available on Pixel phones initially and probably only on the Pixel 3. It appears that there is a specific hardware need and older devices don’t stack up. While the protocol will be available as an Android update to other phone manufacturers such as Samsung etc, it is unclear how long it will take them to offer it, or whether their hardware is capable.

Probably Need a New Phone

I would imagine that to take advantage of the feature you will probably have to purchase an up to date phone. However, as we get nearer to the release and phone manufacturers start to update their own phones we will keep you up to date on compatibility. In fairness, it is a good excuse to buy a new model.

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